In order to calculate the wall ' s lateral displacement , several diagrams have been cited from a f . e . m results . the main factors have been accounted in these diagrams as below : the wall stiffness , the strut stifmess , the width of pit , the elastic modulus of soil , the depth of the underlying hard layer , the strut preloads and the factors of safety against basal heave 为了计算挡墙的侧向变形,本文引用一个有限元程序计算得出的图表结果。这些结果考虑到了以下主要因素:挡墙刚度、支撑刚度、基坑的开挖宽度、土体的变形模量、坑底以下硬土层的位置、给支撑施加的预压力的大小、抗隆起安全系数等。